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Dr Rosie Lindsay

Research Associate

Rosie is a Research Associate at THIS Institute.

Rosie has a MSc in Exercise as Medicine from Loughborough University and was awarded her PhD in 2023 from Anglia Ruskin University. Her PhD explored how to improve the physical activity advice and support provided to people with visual impairment. Rosie’s research utilised both quantitative and qualitative methods to develop a conceptual framework, which could inform future physical activity interventions targeting people with visual impairment. Alongside this, Rosie has also worked on a range of projects with The Open University, including research exploring carers’ physical activity, gender in martial arts, evaluating the training provided to psychology supervisors, and dance for older adults. Before starting a research career, Rosie was on the World Class program as a guide for visually impaired triathletes.

Research Interests

Rosie is interested in improving long term health outcomes by collaborating with interdisciplinary teams to understand and address complex problems. She is also interested in understanding the social determinants of health, and addressing health inequalities.

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