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Invitation to tender: evaluating THIS Institute’s engagement and involvement strategy

THIS Institute is seeking a provider to undertake an evaluation of our engagement and involvement strategy to help us understand its overall impact.
Joann Leeding, Head of Patient & Public Involvement & Engagement
Joann Leeding
Head of Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement

THIS Institute is seeking a provider to undertake an evaluation of our engagement and involvement strategy. The evaluation will help the institute understand the overall impact of our engagement and involvement activities. It should also provide valuable learning for the wider healthcare research field about how to effectively engage and involve patients, carers, NHS staff and the wider public in research.

Our research involves working directly with NHS patients and staff, as well as with academics and the public, with the aim of providing clarity on what works, what doesn’t, and why. We hope that close working with those who deliver and receive healthcare will help support the relevance of its research and ultimately its impact. Against this context, THIS Institute wishes to evaluate progress against the goals and objectives set out in the institute’s engagement and involvement strategy.

Existing evaluation frameworks focus on patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) in research. There is little in the academic literature on evaluating NHS staff engagement in healthcare research. Through our evaluation, we would like to build that evidence base with an equal emphasis on the involvement and engagement of both patients and the public and NHS staff in healthcare improvement studies.

How to apply for this tender

Any enquiries should be directed to Danielle Doyle in the first instance at

Please submit a proposal responding to the criteria outlined in the invitation to tender document.

The proposal should provide an overview of the design and methods to be employed to undertake the evaluation.

Key dates

29 November 2021 (17:00)
Please indicate your interest to submit a proposal by email

19 December 2021 (17:00)
Full proposal submission 

18 and 20 January 2022
Interview dates

February 2022
Proposed start date for the evaluation 

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