Perspectives on healthcare improvement

All talks, discussions and Q&As from THIS Space 2022 are available to view on-demand. Whether you’ve got ten minutes, twenty minutes, or an hour to spare, there’s a fantastic range of content to explore.
Got ten minutes?
Hear THIS Institute fellow Laiba Husain examine the intersectionality in digital health disparities research.
Got 20 minutes?
In this video, Professor Dame Elizabeth Anionwu and Dr Lisa Hinton discuss the service that Elizabeth pioneered in the 1970s to support families affected by sickle cell and thalassaemia.
Got an hour?
Frameworks and models to help make research more inclusive now abound, but how can researchers make best use of these for better research? In this session featuring Tom Shakespeare, Graham Pullin, Stella O’Brien, and Doreen Tembo, we explore the issue.
There’s so much more to explore – check out our YouTube playlist to browse the full programme