Putting the person into improving quality and safety in healthcare
In her presentation, Mary Dixon-Woods described how, from “Tonsil-gate” to challenges around accessing remote care during and since the COVID-19 pandemic, variations in care have been a feature of medical treatment.
She argues that the future for personalised care, and for finding out what good looks like, is co-design on a large scale built on sound theories of change, informed by inclusive principles, and looks at ways this could be achieved.
The full video is available to watch (with subtitles available) via the CPM website.
“I’m going to start my talk where many talks on health services research start – which is with a brief history of variations in care. And I’m going to start particularly with “tonsil-gate” which is a controversy dating back over 2000 years […] and a debate going back to the time of Galen.”