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Harveian Oration 2018

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) invites you to the Harveian Oration, one of the oldest and most significant events in their calendar.

The Harveian Oration was established in 1656 by William Harvey (1578–1657). Each year, the RCP continues the tradition by inviting a leading doctor or scientist to speak on issues relating to their field of work.

Please note that while only RCP fellows can book for dinner, the Oration is open to all and free to attend with no registration required.

The speaker

This year’s speaker is Professor Mary Dixon-Woods FAcSS FMedSci FRCP, the Health Foundation professor of healthcare improvement studies and director of THIS Institute, University of Cambridge. The institute aims to become a world-leading scientific asset for the NHS by strengthening the evidence base for improving the quality and safety of healthcare. It will grow the number of academic researchers in this field through a UK-wide fellowship programme, run research programmes with a wide range of partners and with the staff and patients of the NHS using citizen science methods, and build the scientific foundations of the study of improvement.

Professor Dixon-Woods is a social scientist by background. She was awarded a DPhil in social studies and a masters in social research and social policy by the University of Oxford. She was professor of medical sociology from 2007 to 2016 at the University of Leicester and has held visiting professorships in the USA at Dartmouth and Johns Hopkins and at Imperial College London. She is co-editor-in-chief of BMJ Quality & Safety, one of the leading journals in the field, and has served as a member of several national working groups including the Berwick and Wachter reports. Among her awards and distinctions, she is an NIHR senior investigator, a Wellcome Trust senior investigator, a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, a fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.

When 18 October 2018, 12:00 am
Where Royal College of Physicians 11 St Andrews Pl, London NW1 4LE
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