Participant Information
V1 2024-10-24
About this study
The Maternity Incentive Scheme (MIS) is a financial incentive programme run by NHS Resolution, launched in 2018 with the aim of improving maternity safety within NHS trusts. It seeks to encourage NHS provider organisations delivering maternity services to improve maternity safety by following 10 key ‘safety actions’. Organisations that fully comply with the safety actions are reimbursed a portion of their indemnity insurance payment to NHS Resolution; organisations showing partial compliance may receive a smaller financial incentive to help them to further improve safety.
This evaluation examines the MIS, including how it has evolved through time, the way in which the safety actions are intended to work and work in practice, and the impact of the scheme at the level of NHS provider organisations.
We have invited you to take part because we would like to understand your experience and views about the Maternity Incentive Scheme (MIS).
Who is invited to take part?
You have been identified as an individual who has knowledge of MIS, either because of your involvement in the running of the scheme nationally, or because you are involved in the process locally (for example as clinician, manager or leader in a trust that participates in MIS).
You were identified by NHS Resolution, by members of the MIS Collaborative Advisory Group, by a professional association, or by someone else who has already participated in this study. Alternatively, you may have seen information about the study on social media and contacted us.
Do I have to take part?
Taking part in the project is completely voluntary. We hope you will take part as this will provide helpful insights about MIS, the safety actions, and their impact on the delivery of maternity care in healthcare organisations.
If you change your mind about taking part, you can withdraw at any time during the interview without giving a reason.
Who is running this project?
The Healthcare Improvement Studies (THIS) Institute at the University of Cambridge is leading this project. You can find out more about THIS Institute here:
The study is funded by NHS Resolution, and the findings will be reported to NHS Resolution to inform future development of the MIS. NHS Resolution has no involvement in analysis and will have no access to identifiable data.
Who has reviewed this project?
This study is defined as service evaluation, not as research. It is therefore not eligible for ethical review at the University of Cambridge.
What will happen and how will I be involved?
If you would like to participate, you will be interviewed by a researcher via a video-call. The interview will last around 45 to 60 minutes (or less if you prefer) and will be audio-recorded.
You must give consent before part in the interview. We use online consent forms. You have received a link to it in an email, you may also access it here.
The researcher will ask you about topics including:
- How your role is related to MIS
- Your understanding of MIS aims and objectives
- The way MIS is working in practice
- Your views on how the safety actions are affecting maternity services
The recordings of the interviews will be transcribed, anonymised, and analysed.
All data will be kept in secure online storage at the University of Cambridge.
What happens to my answers?
Your anonymised answers will be analysed along with the answers from all other participants and will be used to develop a summary of findings that will be reported to NHS Resolution. This summary of findings will then be used to create a final report. Findings from this project may also be published in academic journals and publicised on THIS Institute’s and NHS Resolution’s website.
The evaluation is being conducted independently by THIS Institute. NHS Resolution will not be involved in analysing the data, and no identifiable data will be shared with NHS Resolution. The team will seek to ensure that nobody will be able to identify you in any findings that are published: any quotations from interviews used in reporting will be anonymised.
What are the benefits of this study?
There are no direct benefit to you from taking part, but the results of the study might help to refine the MIS and the safety actions by contributing your views, experience, and suggestions for improvement.
Are there any risks?
This study is low risk. You may stop the interview at any point without giving a reason.
Get in touch
If you have any questions or concerns about anything to do with the study, you can contact Gizdem Akdur at
For any complaints or concerns
If you have a complaint about any aspect of the project, please contact the director of THIS Institute, Prof. Mary Dixon-Woods, by email on If you are not happy after that, you can contact the Data Protection Officer at
If you are not happy with their response or believe they are processing your data in a way that is not right or lawful, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) ( or 0303 123 1113).
The study team
Jane O’Hara
Director of Research, THIS Institute, University of Cambridge
Graham Martin
Director of Research, THIS Institute, University of Cambridge
Gizdem Akdur
Research associate, THIS Institute, University of Cambridge
Paige Cunnington
Research assistant, THIS Institute, University of Cambridge