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We are exploring how physical illness is diagnosed in primary care, for people with pre-existing mental health diagnoses

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Thank you for your interest in our study. We are a team of researchers from the University of Cambridge, and we are exploring how best to support people with mental health diagnoses to go see their doctor when they are concerned about their physical health.

Your experience as a carer is very valuable to us. We would particularly like to hear from of carers of individuals with severe mental illness (SMI) or a personality disorder. SMI typically includes schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar, major depression, and depression with psychotic symptoms.

If you decide to take part, we will ask you about your experiences of supporting someone with a mental health diagnosis in accessing their GP for a physical health concern. Together we will reflect on what goes well, what challenges you face, and what can be improved.

If you decide to take part, you will receive a £25 shopping voucher to thank you for your time.

The research is led by Dr Elisa Liberati and Prof Graham Martin.

Why does this research matter?

Research has shown that people with mental health diagnoses can face challenges in getting the right physical healthcare. We would like to hear about this from your perspective as a carer. The information you share will help us in making practical recommendations on how to improve physical healthcare support in GP services for people with mental health diagnoses. 

What will happen if you decide to take part?

Understanding your eligibility

Before we begin, we have a few questions below to confirm your eligibility for the study. This is to make sure that the study is a good fit for you. You will then be asked to share your name and contact details, so that a researcher can contact you. If you have any doubt about whether you are eligible, please email Dr Elisa Liberati at

Scheduling your interview

A researcher from our team will send you some more written information about the study, and ask you to read and complete a consent form. If you are happy to do so, the researcher and you will arrange an interview at a time that suits you best. We offer flexibility with timings and methods. Interviews can be conducted over the phone or via video call (via Zoom/Teams).

During the Interview

In the interview, we will have a relaxed conversation about your experiences of supporting someone with an SMI or a personality disorder accessing the GP for their physical health. Your perspective is very valuable to us. There is no right or wrong answers – so feel free to share your thoughts and feelings in your own way. Our conversation will remain entirely confidential.

What are the benefits of taking part?

To show our appreciation for your involvement, you will receive a £25 shopping voucher. This is a small token of our gratitude for the valuable contribution you are making to our research.

The study is also an opportunity to have your voice heard. By listening to your experiences, we hope to make suggestions for positive changes in general practice for individuals with mental health diagnoses.

Please fill in this form if you’d like to take part

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