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Episode 6
54 minutes

Doctor Informed: Full circle

Doctor Informed with Bill Kirkup and Mary Dixon-Woods

This is our last episode of series 1 of Doctor Informed, and with it we’re coming full circle. Clara will be talking to our first two guests, Mary Dixon-Woods and Bill Kirkup, having now heard from all of our other experts over this series.

In this first series, we’ve learned about speaking out, team work, compassionate leadership – all the things that are needed to help clinicians challenge the status quo, So in this episode, we’ll be asking Mary how much she thinks things have changed, and Bill how he manages a career challenging the healthcare system.

Our guests

Mary Dixon-Woods is director of THIS Institute, and a Health Foundation Professor of Healthcare Improvement Studies in the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Cambridge. Her work is concerned with generating a high quality evidence-base to support the organisation, quality and safety of care delivered to patients.

Bill Kirkup is a clinician turned investigator – he led investigations into failings at a maternity and neonatal unit in Morcambe Bay, into the Oxford paediatric cardiac surgery unit and into Jimmy Savile’s involvement with Broadmoor Hospital. He was also a member of the Hillsborough Independent Panel.

Other episodes
Episode 5
56 minutes
Doctor Informed: Reflecting on a crisis
Episode 4
50 minutes
Doctor Informed: “But it’s always been done that way…”
Episode 3
51 minutes
Doctor Informed: The blame game

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