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Episode 6
36 minutes

Exploring the potential of citizen science

How can people get involved in citizen science, or “people-powered research”? Jenni Burt talks to Michael Hornberger, the co-creator of Sea Hero Quest. Sea Hero Quest is a smartphone game that gathers data on how people find their way around their environment, with implications for detecting dementia. Jenni and Michael reflect on the benefits that citizen science approaches can bring, as well as on the challenges.

About our guests

Michael is the Professor of Applied Dementia Research at the Norwich Medical School and the Associate Dean of Innovation, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.  His research focuses on improving diagnosis, disease progression tracking and symptom management in dementia. His focus in citizen science includes co-creating an award-winning smartphone game, Sea Hero Quest, that gathers data on how people find their way around their environment.

Exploring the potential of citizen science
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