How to learn about quality improvement from studies of different healthcare systems
How can we transfer insights from one healthcare setting to a very different healthcare setting? Jenni Burt explores with her guests how healthcare improvement outcomes might be transferred from one setting to another. She’s joined by Michael Englesbe, Professor of Surgery at the University of Michigan, and by James McGowan, Public Health Registrar at Public Health England and Clinical Research Associate at THIS Institute.
About our guests
Michael Englesbe is Professor of Surgery at the University of Michigan, the director of the 17 Statewide Quality Collaboratives. He also serves as the co-director of the Michigan Opioid Prescribing and Engagement Network. His interests include improving the quality of care through practice change and the relationship between costs and quality of care. He is also working to understand and combat the opioid crisis in Michigan and leveraging acute health events for population health impact.
James McGowan is an honorary specialty registrar in public health at Public Health England and Clinical Research Associate at THIS Institute.