This research is led by
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) Kits Study
We are a team of researchers from The Healthcare Improvement Studies Institute (THIS Institute), based at the University of Cambridge, who are working in collaboration with the PROMPT Maternity Foundation. We are leading a study to help maternity units standardise and improve their post-partum haemorrhage emergency kits.
On this page you will find a set of documents in relation to the PPH kits study (IRAS ID: 340432). The study aims to map the layout and contents of PPH kits used across the UK. As part of the study, we would like to ask maternity professionals from various units to take part in a short survey-based consultation on local PPH kits. The study is part of a wider project that aims to develop guidance on how various units could further improve how they design and organise PPH kits.
Taking part in the consultation should take no more than 30 to 60 min of one maternity professional per trust. The study is set up to align with the responsibilities of the maternity professional invited for the consultation, such as Practice Development Midwives supporting the optimal use of PPH kits. Invited professionals are free to choose if they wish to take part.
All data collected will be anonymised, with no identifiable information about the participant or the trust published in the public domain. No patients or patient data are involved in the study.
If you have questions about any aspects of this study, please contact the study team at